Chappaqua Poison

14 posts
Apr 12, 2022

The Restraining Order

The Restraining Order

A summary of the restraining order filed against Tara Walsh by Stephen Russell. It can be read in full, below the summation. The highlights of this order show a view of the tumultuous

Apr 12, 2022

The Walsh Family Examined

The Walsh Family Examined

A personal perspective and important examination of the Walsh family from the public writings of daughter Brie Walsh that explores their essential nature. The Walsh Family - Read and reported by Journalist #10:

Feb 28, 2022

Chappaqua Poison

Chappaqua Poison

This is a long-form reported article of the summary of evidence and personal narrative provided on to the journalism project known as Chappaqua Poison. All of the below statements have been fact-checked and

Sep 26, 2018

SF CivilvWalsh

Plaintiff Stephen Russell (“Russell” or “Plaintiff”) complains and alleges against Defendant Tara Walsh (“Walsh” or “Defendant”) and Does 1-20 as follows: VENUE 1. Venue in the Superior Court in and for the County

Jul 9, 2018

Domestic Violence Restraining Order

After being granted an emergency restraing order against Tara Walsh and being granted temporary custody of Evelyn Grace, a court hearing was scheduled to hear the case.  Below is the filing for that